Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's been a while...

Well GooD GriEf....I know, I know it's been a while. Lots and lots of things have happened since the last time I blogged  in...Oh say January. Let's take a quick stroll and I can fill you in!
  • In January we found out we were pregnant AgAIn. Yes, that makes Wyatt and this baby 13 months apart!! I know some would say we are crazy!

  • In March we decided to put our precious house for sale. It was a great starter home, but with a baby on the way we knew we were going to be out growing it very soon.

  • In May we actually sold our house and moved into a rent house early June.

  • In June we also found out we would be having another little boy...Benjamin Hayes Stover!! We are going to call him Hayes. Hayes will be here around October 24th!

  • After going and blowing at the beginning of the summer, it was nice when July rolled around and we were able to stay home for a while.

  • We had full intentions of building a home, but stumbled upon a house that we loved and made an offer. So in early August we put a contract on a house and have a closing date set for the end of the month!! 

  • And today, AugUSt 13th....Wyatt tuRned 11 mOntHs oLd. My where has the time gone?!?

Well that should have us about caught up for now! I will try to make it a point to update more often, we have a busy next few weeks. Anyway, thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

She's GoiNg To tHe ChApEL...... :)

One of my dearest friends from college will be getting married in April! I am so happy for her! She is marrying a wonderful man and I know they are going to have a WonDerFul Life together. In honor of someone getting married....what do you do?!?! You throw them a bachelorette party.....and in the spur of the moment that is EXACTLY what we did! It was such a great time with girls that I dearly love (and miss!) And... I need to give my SweEt HusBanD a shout out because he not only encouraged me to go be with my friends, but he also stayed home and kept Wyatt while I was gone. WHaT a GuY!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"It'S GoNe!!"

Well Christmas has cOmE and gOne again this year. We are a little behind here at the Stover household. We just finished our Christmas travels and such yesterday. Shane turned 29 on Sunday...WhOo HoO! Wyatt was not feeling well so we took him to the ER in Round Rock on Monday. Just a common cold was the diagnosis. THaNK GOodNesS!  Shane found out he passed his principal certification test Tuesday, and well today (Wednesday) we are just enjoying our day at home! Here are a few pictures from our travels.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

MeRRy ChRisTmas Eve, Eve

MeRRy ChRisTmas Eve, Eve... Well it's almost here! Hope your shopping is almost complete. If not you have a few more get busy! From all of us at the Stover house....Merry Christmas!